Welcome to my Journey!

Hey there you lucky reader! You've perhaps stumbled upon or searched for a way to help yourself with getting into graduate school. Maybe you too have no idea what you are doing, or maybe you just need some support along the way.

I made this blog because I thought it would be nice to help other people realize that they are never alone when life throws all of these new expectations at us! 100-years ago, it was awesome if you finished high school. 50-years ago, you were a genius if you went all the way to college. Now, you're not so special unless you bite the bullet and go the whole nine -- graduate school, medical school, law school.

Of course, we are a great generation and our parents have raised us well! We can make it that far if we just try, but since we are all getting into this while in our twenties, we are expected to go about it relatively independently. With this blog, I will denote the motions of someone who has had no need for such independence suddenly taking things into her own hands -- because I don't have a choice...

I will get into grad school if it's the last thing I do! Who's with me?

My basic facts

My photo
North Carolina, United States
I'm 24 and boring. Look, blogs.

21 August 2010

Grad School: Why think about it?

Some of you -- if there are any of you, here -- may want to know why I have been seriously thinking about going to graduate school. I reckon now is as good a time as any to express why I've come to this conclusion (decision). Following are the several reasons why I have chosen going to grad school is my best option thus far.