Welcome to my Journey!

Hey there you lucky reader! You've perhaps stumbled upon or searched for a way to help yourself with getting into graduate school. Maybe you too have no idea what you are doing, or maybe you just need some support along the way.

I made this blog because I thought it would be nice to help other people realize that they are never alone when life throws all of these new expectations at us! 100-years ago, it was awesome if you finished high school. 50-years ago, you were a genius if you went all the way to college. Now, you're not so special unless you bite the bullet and go the whole nine -- graduate school, medical school, law school.

Of course, we are a great generation and our parents have raised us well! We can make it that far if we just try, but since we are all getting into this while in our twenties, we are expected to go about it relatively independently. With this blog, I will denote the motions of someone who has had no need for such independence suddenly taking things into her own hands -- because I don't have a choice...

I will get into grad school if it's the last thing I do! Who's with me?

My basic facts

My photo
North Carolina, United States
I'm 24 and boring. Look, blogs.

20 January 2011

Change Of Plans

Hey everyone,

So I know you've been perhaps, maybe (highly unlikely) waiting for me to update this blog with some sort of final solution. The fact of the matter is this: I'm not going. I'm taking a year off, and I don't know what I'm going to do still, but I'm taking a year off... at least.

I know it may seem like a sudden and unreasonable choice, but it's necessary, for me. I'm still trying to figure out who I am and what I want to do with my life. Of course, that does not mean I am giving up completely. I am taking a year off, after all, but I have plans, potentials for that year. I am looking into two opportunities, outside of just staying at home and working and getting my license and all that.

Option A: Teach For America
Teach for America would give me an opportunity to go somewhere, anywhere, and just... teach. I would be a teacher, or a teacher's assistant, for some underprivileged children in America. It's meaningful, would give me experience, and relatively interests me. I don't mind the idea of it at all, and it might let me get to a place where I have to grow up.

Option B: AmeriCorps
AmeriCorps, much like Teach for America, gives me an opportunity to give back to this blasted country. Now, I know that America has had its ups and downs and may be pretty much hated by the entire world, but the people are okay. It's really the people who we let run our country that suck. And all the old people who refuse to die so us young people can let our radical, loving, world-changing views take over. Seriously, we might not have all of these problems if we let, for like 4 years, the president be some 25-yr/old, fresh out of college or something, become a dictator and just whip the country into shape. No strings attached. Nothing but a more controlled 20-yr/old vice-dictator to make sure they don't make any too extreme decisions that would ruin the country completely.

Anyway, AmeriCorps looks like a fun idea too, except it pays probably less than TFA does, even though they both get benefits. And with AmeriCorps you have to be drug free. Not that I do drugs, but I've grown to liking this liquor stuff. I'm just a martini girl *shrugs*.

Anyway, that's what's going on. I will explain more later as I continue to think things through. However, as of now, those are my plans. We will see what happens.
